2009 was the first year Denmark participated in the iGEM compitition. The 2009 team came in strong and won a Gold Medal for their project:
The Redoxilator & the USER Fusion Standard
Project Description
By in silico design and computer modelling followed by gene synthesis, we have constructed a molecular NAD+/NADH ratio sensing system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sensor works as an inducible transcription factor being active only at certain levels of the NAD+/NADH ratios. By the coupling of a yeast optimized fast degradable GFP, the system can be used for in vivo monitoring of NAD+/NADH redox poise.
Read more about this DTU iGEM team and their project on the iGEM webpage
The Team

Mads Bonde
Engineering student at DTU Systems Biology
Areas of interest: Medical Microbiology, cell biology, stem cell research, immunology, systems biologi, and synthetic biology
Hans Jasper Genee
Engineering student at DTU Systems Biology
Areas of interest: Microbiology, biodiversity, bioinformatics, and systems biology
Niels Bjørn Hansen
Engineering student at DTU Systems Biology
Areas of interest: Molecular microbiology and metabolic engineering
Christian Schrøder Kaas
Engineering student at DTU Systems Biology
Areas of interest: Molecular microbiology, synthetic biology, project management
Claudia Matos
Engineering student at DTU Systems Biology
Areas of interest: Biotechnology, systems biology, fermentation technology and bioengineering
Lars Rønn Olsen
Engineering student at DTU Systems Biology
Areas of interest: Bioinformatics, immunology, systems biology, and computer science
Team Advisors
Kiran Raosaheb Patil, Assistant professor, DTU Systems Biology
Bjarne Gram Hansen, Post.Doc, DTU Systems Biology
Ana Rita Brochado, PhD Student, DTU Systems Biology
Simon Carlsen, PhD Student, DTU Systems Biology